
  Dead-line for an inscription: 31th may 2022


 Message of the organizing committee of the

the XIII Symposium Syriacum and the 11th Conference of Christian Arabic Studies


Dear Colleagues,

The organising committee of the XIII  Symposium Syriacum and the 11th Conference of Christian Arabic Studies will have the pleasure of welcoming you to Paris from 4th to 9th July 2022.

Registrations to submit a paper are now closed. But registration to attend the congresses as an auditor is still open until 31th may 2022. 

We look forward to seeing many of you in Paris and send you our warmest thoughts.

The Organizing Committee

Click below to see the short film


 The Congresses will take place in Paris, at the INALCO

on July 4-9, 2022 


65 Rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris


The venue is located in a university neighborhood, near the National Library "François Mitterrand", the Paris Diderot University and the University of Chicago Center in Paris, as well as the animation of the banks of the Seine river!


 Funding Institutions







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